IPL to treat sun damage, scars, redness, and veins in San Diego

Whether it’s years of sun damage, acne scarring, broken blood vessels, or redness from Rosacea, it’s exhausting always having to cover your skin with makeup in order to feel pretty. We just want to look in the mirror without seeing so many skin flaws. We’ve all been there.

Imagine loving your skin in the mirror. It feels good to think about!

Concerns we treat with IPL therapy?

At Medical Esthetique Med Spa in Sorrento Valley, we treat skin discoloration, hyperpigmentation, and veins with IPL therapy (intense pulsed light).

What is IPL therapy?

IPL is a non-invasive treatment that sends light energy through the layers of your skin to break down pigmented skin cells and blood in capillaries and blood vessels.

IPL targets the dermis (lower layers of skin) without damaging the epidermis (top layer of skin). IPL can treat various skin conditions at the same time.

What to know

Give us a call now

How long does IPL last?

IPL photorejuvenation results last longer when you wear SPF 30+ daily and have a healthy skin care routine at home. Our clients see their best results when they receive 3-4 IPL treatments spaced out once a month. We may suggest pairing IPL treatment with another one of our skin and laser treatments for optimal results, depending on the skin conditions we’re treating for you.

It’s best to repeat your IPL photofacial once a year to maintain results

What to expect with IPL?

IPL treatments take about 30 minutes or more, depending on the treatment area. After the treatment, you may experience redness and swelling for at least 24- 48 hours. Some patients notice their freckles and dark spots appear darker, (kind of like coffee grounds), for 3-7 days.

We will talk you through it during the procedure, but you can expect that IPL therapy is somewhat uncomfortable. We describe it as the feeling of a rubber band snapping on the skin’s surface.

You can return to normal activities right away, although you should expect some discoloration and redness for up to 5-7days after IPL.

The downtime of IPL is relatively low, and after 7 or 10 days, you can expect to see the full effects.

Protect your skin right away with SPF, and you can use moisturizer after IPL. Let’s talk about the products you plan on using to ensure they won’t irritate the skin right after IPL treatment.

Wear your skin bare — and save the makeup for date night

How to take care of your skin after IPL

How long does it take IPL to start working?

You can expect the full results of your IPL therapy 2-4 weeks after treatment. For treatment on facial veins, blood vessels, and capillaries, you’ll see results right away.

Treatment areas for IPL

IPL treatments are not just for the face. We treat discoloration on the chest, neck, face, arms, and shoulders.

Book your IPL Photofacial in San Diego At Medical Esthetique Med Spa